Maria and I both have trouble taking time off from work. Part of it is the Creative Spark, which burns brightly in both of us – I doubt we could live with someone who didn’t share that trait.
Our work is at home, so it’s always handy, there is no real space between work and the rest of our lives. And the thing is, our lives are our work. I can’t complain, we both love what we do and consider ourselves fortunate on many levels.
But sometimes we just need a break. The past few weeks have been white-hot intense for both of us. When I am tired and worn down, all sorts of broken and angry people come pouring out of the ether.
When I am grounded and focused, they go away.
I think they are like vampires in a way, drawn to the smell of blood and eager to devour some. They are teaching me to be grounded and self-aware, which is more potent than wolfsbane or a cross.
I get very caught up in my Amazon and Bishop Maginn Wish Lists, I work hard on them and think about them until they are sold through. A short break was a good idea.
This morning, when we woke up, Maria said her brain was fried from handling her yarn, she needed to get away. What about Mass Moca, the wonderful sprawling art gallery set in a vast Massachusetts mill.
You could spend a couple of days in there and not see half of it. So we left around 10 a.m., spent a few hours at Mass Moca, had lunch at the Mexican restaurant in Williamstown, and were home in time to feed the sheep and donkeys at their usual 3 p.m. feeding.
It is good to get away, to turn off the computer, to avoid any shred of news, to get some space from the dogs, yes even Zinnia, and just talk to one another, which we rarely do on a weekday. The exhibits in the museum were fascinating, I got this shot of Maria walking in front of a colored glass project, I loved the silhouette.
When we got home, I was very happy to see how many items – there were 24 at first – had been purchased on the new Graduation Wish List, how beautiful this is, I think we’ll wrap it up tonight tomorrow.
Zinnia power, I think, the dog has some juice.
I am happy to see that people are chewing quickly through the new Bishop Maginn Prom and Graduation Wish List, we are getting them the favors and scarves and patches and paper flowers they badly want for their graduation this Spring, but can’t afford.
There are only three items left on the list, some needed in multiple amounts. About 40 things altogether. The list is more than three quarters gone in a single morning and afternoon.
Thanks and many blessings to you.
This is a wonderful gift to be able to give these children, who have suffered more than children ought to suffer and face poverty and struggle in their acclimation. Graduating from high school is a big deal for kids whose parents lost everything and speak little or no English.
For them, it is a festive occasion. We are making that so.
We need six more Graduation Patch Iron-Ons (“Class of 2020”) for $2.99 apiece.
And 10 more Plain Graduation Honor Stoles With Golden Trim (the kids will do the lettering themselves), they cost $14.99 apiece.
And four Beauty And The Beast Romantic Rose In A Glass Domes with LED Light Wooden base ( table centerpieces for the prom), these cost $15.99.