24 February

Start The Week: Kiss A Tree

by Jon Katz

I’ve always believed that starting the day – especially Monday – sets the tone not ony for the day but for the week. This week is full of promise for me.

Back to Bishop Maginn tomorrow to help set up an Amazon Wist so the school’s graduating class can have some of the ribbons and favors they need but can’t afford to buy.

This is a classic small act of great kindness, they have nothing, and ask for very little. This will be a pleasure for me, and I hope, for you.

This morning Maria and I and the dogs went out to the pasture and on the way back,I saw Maria heading for our beautiful old white birch in the yard. She gave it a morning kiss, as she often does, and I was ready with my big Canon.

Talk about setting the tone.

Maria has introduced me to the habit of talking to trees and listening to them. I haven’t kissed one yet, but I am getting close.

I’m going to try to take it easy today, I worked all weekend pretty much.I guess it’s how I relax.

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