21 February

My Post Office Box. A Window To The World

by Jon Katz

In the country, the ritual is important, a part of the cement that keeps the community together. Every day, after breakfast and when the chores are done, I drive to the post office on Main Street and check in with the wider world.

Wendy, the postal clerk is sometimes putting the mail in the P.O. Boxes when I arrive, and we chat through the window. She knows everyone in town and is a passionate animal lover, she and Maria are good friends.

Some days, there are letters. Some days, there are checks for my Mansion and refugee work. Many days, the box is empty. This is where I get the cards and letters from the $5 and $10 people, their messages are touching and grounding.

I get a lot of mail in my P.O. Box, and it is from everywhere. These messages have done a lot of good in the world.

They come in small envelopes with return stickers of dogs or cats, I think of someone sitting at their kitchen tables writing messages to me from all over America and much of the world. That is special.

Sometimes, there is mail for Maria, not me.

Sometimes, I am surprised by a check for $1,000 or $500 and that is sweet.

I rush off to get the Mansion residents or aides something they need, or call and find out if the refugee children at Bishop Maginn are in need of new shoes or shirts or books.

My P.O. Box is my window into the wider world, my connection to the many good people who read my blog and support my work. Letters and cards without donations are also very welcome, I read all the letters that come into P.O. Box 205.

Sometimes Maria rides with me if she has to go to the bank or ship her art out to her customers. Over the years, my P.O. Box has taken on mythic proportions in my mind, I never know what will be inside, if anything.

This morning, there was one letter, it was for Maria.

I thought you ought to see my P.O. Box from the other side of things. If you wish to support my work by donation, or just send me a message about your life, the address: Jon Katz, P.O. Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816.

A lot of the support I get comes online, especially via Paypal, [email protected]. But the P.O. Box ritual has a special feeling to it.

Thank you for the things you send me. This trip is a precious part of the day for me, it always gives me hope and connection. And support.

Note: Paula posted this message on my blog this morning in response to a post about my getting booted from Saragota Hospital, and my request to take photographs there. I wrote that I do not profit from any photos I take in hospitals or in my therapy or hospice work.

Paula wrote this:

“But you do profit from those pictures. You make money from your blog, which is where the images are published. Ok, you’re probably not making earth-shattering money, but still. I’ve been a reader for a long time and truth is, it does feel a little bit exploitative. Sorry, just being honest.”

This one hurt a bit. I guess her logic is that because people contribute money to support my blog, any work I do in hospitals or hospice or the Mansion or Bishop Maginn is thus exploitive, and should be denied.

Sorry, Paula, I don’t know how you pay your bills, but there is nothing honest about your post. I do not sell or profit from any photos I take of any work relating to sick or elderly people or dying people. I spent many hours each week doing this work, and have never asked for or received any compensation for doing it.

The money I receive from the blog – without which there would not be a free blog – goes to help maintain the farm and pay my bills. I assume Paula, that you get paid for any work you might do, I hope so.  I hope you can pay your bills.

Are you really suggesting that people who earn a living and try to do some good are thus exploitive because they are being paid for their work? Is that your idea of truth?

There is nothing exploitive about that, and it has absolutely nothing to do with taking photos of voiceless people at the edge of life.

If Paula were a reader of my blog for any length of time, as she claims. Why is it that people who are not truthful are always invoking truth?

If Paula has been reading my free blog for years and has not contributed to it (and I would bet the farm she hasn’t) then who is really exploiting who?

And no, I am not making earth-shattering or even earth tickling money. That’s not why I do this.



  1. I’ve been a reader since the Slate days. I worked for an online concern for 9 years. I am now disabled. Why do You call me a liar?
    You do make money from these photos; the images of the kids and of the Mansion residents, and unless you’re getting lots of releases from parents, patients and family, you are in violation of the law.

    1. Because you are lying, Paula, either by design or you are lazy or especially vicious. Your pick.

      I have never sold a photo or any image from the Mansion or of any child. I raise money for these institutions, I don’t make money off of them.

      And of course, I have releases or permission from every parent or teacher or institution or person involved. I have never taken a photo of anyone without permission in any circumstance, certainly not of anyone in an assisted care facility, hospital or educational institution. They would never permit it, and I would never do it.

      You must be especially twisted to make a completely unfounded accusation like that. That I would photograph a child or sick and elderly person without a parent’s approval? Are you so removed from reality that you think hospitals and assisted care facilities and schools would permit me to walk around with a camera, taking photos of anybody I wanted? And selling them for profit? Why would I wish to do that? Do you think there is a lot of money writing about the elderly and refugee kids? Goodness.

      My goal is to give voice to people who are forgotten. People who wish to be photographed and are happy to give permission and be seen and heard. They don’t have any money and neither do it. I am very proud of this work and it is outrageous for you to slander it in this way.

      I would certainly be in violation of the law if I did what you suggest, in fact I’d probably be in jail. But even worse, it would be irresponsible and immoral. I have never done it, nor would I ever be permitted to do it, as I have written many times. As an alleged frequent reader, you seem to miss a lot. YOur reading me on Slate has nothing to do with your integrity or credibility. So yes, you are inventing falsehoods about me, without any kind of evidence, because there is none. What would you call it?

      Are you not aware that I’ve been taking and publishing these photos for years, from my Hospice Journal to the more recent posts on my blog? Do you really believe no one would have noticed taking illegal and prohibited photos but you?

      If you believe I would do something like that, you shouldn’t be reading my blog at all. I’m not continuing this discussion any longer, you ought to be ashamed of yourself. If you had any honor, you would apologize for your cruel accusations, but I wouldn’t hold my breath. Go away, or I will happily ban you. You use the words honesty and truth a lot in your writing. Look them up. This discussion is over, I welcome disagreement but do not permit hate messaging.

  2. Hi Jon,
    I disagree with Paula. I believe your giving a voice or face to those who give you permission. How many older folk, who probably wold never get a letter or some of the wonderful daily necessities if it wasn’t for you, your blog and the army of good. How many elderly people are in nursing homes forgotten. Exploiting I think not. I work n the medical field and see countless elderly people forgotten in Nursing Homes, who would love there picture taken and published, They would say hey I’m alive, I’m still here, I still Count! How many school books , purchased, school supplies , tuitions, etc,,, How about the teacher whose story your shared whose son passed and was helped with funeral expenses. Countless people and animals have been helped through your pictures, and stories. Correct me if I’m wrong but I i have never seen a picture of a sick or elderly person for sale on your site. I have worked in the medical field and am very familiar with HIPPA and haven’t seen you violate that ever. I think you are very respectful with your photos and stories. I bet 10 to 1 odds that your not setting the world on fire with profits from your blog. Do you make a profit I hope so! However the time and energy you spend helping and advocating for folks in need isn’t paid for. Jon keep doing you, photograph , share your stories advocate, and brighten and enlighten lives!
    Thanks, I appreciate that there is someone doing what you do, you and the army of good do great things! Maybe Susan’s story and photo will inspire someone in a similar situation to reach out and ask for help.
    Take Care

  3. Hello Jon, I guess once you decide to have a blog that has grown to so many readers, you have to expect some responses are going to grate you, You could privately respond to them, if you think it’s even worth your time, without using them as an example in yet another blog post of those who don’t get it, You don’t need to come to your defense on the blog, Jon, especially when someone so irks you the wrong way. If you feel that need to respond to that person, do it, but it takes away from the daily reading of the blog to have yet another familiar, only too familiar forum of back and forth she said, you said, – two people that have never even met each other. If you decide to put it all out there in a blog forum to people you will never meet, and many of whom you will never have any affinity with, you are definitely going to get responses like hers -You have too many wonderfully positive things to share and offer without having to call attention to the very few that don’t get what you are doing. We get enough of that kind of stuff in the ‘news’ these days – let the verbal sparring cease! It’s not very Bedlam. . .

    1. Thanks, Susan, I think it’s important to show people the criticism as well as the praise, I’m not big on censoring people..I also think its important to challenge nasty people, otherwise, they will take over the internet..it’s important that they be called out when they lie or are cruel, at least to me..I dont want to live in a world where I am only praised, although I do like being praised..thanks for your concern, this is a part of life, I don’t want to deny it’s existence..

  4. not quite sure, if you do not post a website, your name, email is not enough? just tried to send something –

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