12 February

Bishop Maginn: Zinnia, Learning With Grace

by Jon Katz

I woke up full of myself this morning and called up Sue Silverstein from Bishop Maginn High School and shouted into the phone, “Hey, let’s do some good for Bishop Maginn today, let’s do an Amazon wish list!”

I missed Bishop Maginn last week, got tied up on other things. I needed to see the students, they are so inspiring and nourishing for me.

Sue laughed, as she often does, and we agreed to talk about it when I got to the school around 11 a.m. She and Mike Tolan (the principal) have a good idea for a wish list, they are asking the seniors what they need for graduation ceremonies – small things, like ribbons and scarves.

We agreed to wait a week or so because the school is off next week, and the Amazon packages might get sent all over the place. All the kids need small things most can’t afford. I think we can help.

Stay tuned.

I met with my writing class and also the group of very bright and interested kids who want to be involved in Zinnia’s training.

This has worked out beautifully for us, once a week, they work with her on sit, lie down, and stay.

We widen the distances and extend the length of the stays every week. I took Zinnia to an ASPCA licensed trainer today and she put Zinnia through her therapy dog paces, just practice. She said she did wonderfully, 100 percent. She gave me some temporary ID’s if I needed them.

Zinnia is very comfortable at the school, she is used to the students and they are used to her, so the comfort and success level is high. Grace(top), Katie (above), and Mike took turns putting Zinnia through her obedience paces.

They were all surprised at how much she has grown and how well she grasps and responds to commands.

Afterward, Sue stands in the hallway with Zinnia and the kids who want to come up and pet her.

It’s great to train a therapy dog with the people she will be working with. It’s worked out wonderfully. Smiles everywhere. Katie intends to be a veterinary pathologist.

I had a wonderful time working with the kids, talking to them about writers and books and movies, and fine-tuning Zinnia. The school has such a wonderful feeling to it, just walking through the doors is affirming and nourishing.


  1. What a wonderful day you had. Everyone won–humans and canine alike!! Even Me. I found it a dark day, but here I am, smiling at the end of it.

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