31 January

Heading Out For Morning Chores

by Jon Katz

Every morning, just after sunrise, Maria and I head out for our morning chores. The dogs gather by the side door, they are told to “stay” or “wait”, we don’t let the dogs rush out ahead of us, I don’t want what I call “push” dogs.

Dogs are calm when they have a leader, anxious when they don’t. Dogs are like small children, they don’t want to be in charge, even though they often are. Making sure you go first is a way of giving them structure.

It teaches them to pay attention to people.

The people come first in our home.

Fate and Zinnia get to come out. Bud sort of wants to come out, but when he realizes how cold it is, he wants to come back in and sit by the fire. So Zinnia and Fate go out with Maria and me.

Zinnia chases Fate around, and Fate runs around the sheep. Then I usually walk Zinnia out to the back pasture, if it isn’t too cold or slippery. Maria, every focused on her work, is usually the first one out the door, I’m still fussing with gloves and scarves and zippers.

When she or I give the command, the dogs go rushing out and down to the pasture gate. It’s one of my favorite iconic images. Thanks to Maria, our house is filled with color and emotion.


  1. How did you create this picture of Maria and the dogs? It is great and you are so creative. Maria brings light and color into your world doesn’t she and so much more:)

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