12 January

Zinnia Learns About Water. She Has A Stern Teacher

by Jon Katz

So this is the way it seems to be breaking down. Bud is Zinnia’s playmate and pal, but Zinnia looks to Fate to learn things – like how to skate on the ice and how to swim in our pond.

Zinnia has been on ice but never gone into the water, something Labs love to do.

She’s getting closer. Fate has given up trying to drive Zinnia away, she no longer grows or nips at her unless she is too rambunctious.

Fate reminds me of the stern nuns Catholic school kids used to talk about, she is demanding and unforgiving of mistakes. Today, Fate went into the water, she seemed to be showing Zinnia how to do it.

When Fate gets warm she just wades into the pond to cool off.

Zinnia watched closely, and then when Fate ran off to the sheep, she started dipping her toes into the water.

I think this is good for Fate, who loves work of all kinds. And for Zinnia, who loves to learn. It’s sweet to see the intense relationships she is forging with the other dogs. She is relentless in her affection, she simply doesn’t accept rejection as an option.

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