I follow a kind of structured training program, one step at a time, easy but steady, clear but fun. Lots of treats and praise. I’m scaling back the treats, except with new commands.
This isn’t the way Cesar does it, or many people do it, but it is my way, and we each need to find our own way. No one thing works for everyone. Zinnia is a food hound, she is also bright and calm. A natural for training.
But every dog is different, with a different attention span, history, genetic make-up, and focus. We are doing it one step at a time. Sit. Come. Lie Down. Stay. And now, the “release” command, which is important. This will help her to stay until released, I always wait to do this until I figure out what the dog listens to.
Zinnia seemed to get “you’re free!” so that’s my release command, two words, one with a distinctive sound. I held up a biscuit when I said it. Come and see. That means she is released from any command and free to walk, sniff or come to me.
We are nicely calm, clear and easy with one another. Then we go for a walk in the pasture.
I think training builds, she’s near the point when I can ask her for more. I need to be patient. It’s almost never the dog’s fault when there’s a problem.
When I was training my Jack Russell terrier to heel, the command I used was “by me”. When I started training my Airedale I used the same command and couldn’t figure out why she wouldn’t respond half the time. Then I realized that “by me” and her name, Heidi, sounded too similar. I switched to “heel” – problem solved!