5 January

My Shadow

by Jon Katz

It seems I have a shadow these days, something fairly new. Red was always around me, he always had an eye on me, but he often stayed still and watched from a distance.

Zinnia shadows me when I eat she lies under the dining room table when I get up to go to my study she follows me. When I go to the door, she is standing right by me.

When I am standing at the sink doing the dishes, she leans against me. When I take the garbage out, she walks to the garbage cans with me and back.

When she lies down in the living room she rests her head on my shoes. Fate is Maria’s dog, Bud is everybody’s dog, Zinnia seems to be my dog. I like it, it was lovely to feel her leaning against me Sunday night.

A nasty head cold erupted yesterday and last night, she is sticking close. I like having a shadow named Zinnia. Maria took this photo.


  1. It is endearing. My Lab girl has six distinct locations in my house that cover being near me whatever I am doing. I call them the Stations of the Lab.

  2. Such wonderful bonding. Zinnia is transforming from an adorable puppy into a mature, beautiful dog.

  3. Dear Jon first of all THANKS SOOOOOOO MUCH FOR SHARING YOUR STORY AND LIFE Second I believe we have the same Exact sink and I love mine so much wouldn’t trade it for anything. Enjoy your sweetie animals.

  4. Heidi is my shadow also. Whatever room I’m in, she’s there. She can be fast asleep in her chair in the living room (yes, she has her own chair complete with upholstery cover LOL), but if I go into the bedroom she follows along. Wherever I turn, she is there. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

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