We go to the town dump (recycling center) every Saturday. Fate loves this, she runs to the car every time we move the garbage cans, and the staff at the dump have always loved her and brought her biscuits. I’m not sure why, but it brings her great joy.
She is the dog who always gets to go, she has seniority. Bud goes to the post office and the bank in the morning. Zinnia comes almost everywhere else in town, she loves to sit in the back and look out the window.
Sometimes we also bring Bud to the dump, but lately, I’ve been bringing Zinnia (yes, poor Bud stays home, poor thing) Three dogs in the car is too much for me, and the dump is a good place to help socialize Zinnia.
Last night, some friends invited us over for dinner, and they asked Maria to tell me I could bring Zinnia if I wished. It was a generous offer, but I wondered why people bring their dogs to dinner at other people’s houses?
It wasn’t my wish and rarely is.
There might be something missing in me, but the dogs don’t need to go to every place we go, including other people’s houses, and I don’t need them to go with me out to dinner. In fact, I like the time away from them, it’s good for me and for them.
We had a lovely evening of conversation and relaxation, I enjoyed not worrying about Zinnia.
I feel the same way about taking a dog on vacation. I can’t imagine wasting a vacation by bringing home along with me, but I know I’m odd, and flow against the grain. Zinnia was happy to come along to the dump, and Fate didn’t growl at her or glower.
I can’t believe how big Zinnia is now! You have 3 wonderful dogs!
It’s wonderful to have a dog that loves the car. Heidi goes everywhere with me and gets cookies at the recycling station, the donut shop, the gas station and the bookstore. When we’re in a store and she walks beside my walker, I can’t go 50 feet without someone asking if they can pet her. A well-behaved dog that loves people makes it so easy to socialize with anyone and everyone! ??. A bonus would be if somebody called ME “adorable” instead of her. Dream on… ?
It sounds like Fate is beginning to accept Zinnia.
Jon – you’re not odd at all, for not wanting to take your dogs absolutely everywhere. My sister and I had a GREAT and more RELAXED vacation, when I talked her into leaving her dog at home with a sitter. We could be gone for hours and not have to worry about running back to the condo to let her out, etc. The dog had fun where it was staying and I am sure never ONCE thought, “Gee, I have been abandoned.”