24 December

Mammacita? Donde Esta Santa Claus? Welcome Christmas…

by Jon Katz

Happy holidays to everyone from Bedlam Farm. Our new crew is loving life here. I love having happy dogs.

I began my Christmas celebration in the very best possible way this morning, when I got up, I came downstairs and played a new favorite Christmas album – “Llego Navidad,” by Los Lobos.

The album set me on fire.  I  had to dance naked (Maria was dressed, alas) to  “Donde Esta Santa Claus?” in the kitchen.

Maria is always up for dancing, and she doesn’t blink at my dancing naked, a sight I wouldn’t inflict on many people.

it is a beautiful thing to see Maria dance, something that always shocks and makes me feel alive and in love. I am such a lucky man. It’s curious, but the Belly Dancing has helped her discover who she really is, how strong and alive she is.

The dogs gathered in the doorway to see this strange sight, they looked on in wonder, puzzled as they often are by the curious ways of their humans. I can only imagine what they were thinking watching me dance in the kitchen, their heads swiveled like fans at a Super Bowl.

But I will tell you, there is no better way in my mind to begin Christmas Eve and our Christmas holiday than dancing naked to “Donde Esta Santa Claus!”

The solstice bonfire  Sunday was beautiful and we are always excited to go someplace for a day.

When I got dressed, Maria took me out for breakfast at Jean’s Place, I got to give Robin a Christmas hug and get yelled at for not bringing Zinnia along.

This afternoon, I’ll stop off at the Mansion to drop off some Christmas presents and then it’s my turn to take Maria out for an overnight stay at the beautiful inn where we had our honeymoon nearly ten years ago. (Actually, she tells me that she is taking me, and insists on paying for the room.) She is strong-willed.

I gave her a strap to hang her iPhone when she is out in the woods or the pasture taking pictures.

We’ll be back early Christmas morning, I’m conducting a Christmas poetry reading and prayer at the Mansion for the residents who aren’t visiting their families or have no families to come and see them.

I want to thank the good people who send contributions to support my work and the blog yesterday, and also today. Much appreciated.

You can support the blog – the engine of my work – via Paypal, [email protected] or here or by check, Jon Katz, Blog support, P.O. Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816.

One woman wrote on Facebook that it was “indecent” of me to ask for support for the blog, she said all of the animals looked well fed. I wished her a Merry Christmas and said all she had to do was nothing.

My wish for Marie is that she always gets paid for her work.

Otherwise, the response was wonderful,  touching and affirming. I appreciate it. It makes me feel that I am doing something worthwhile, and my blog is my shining light and voice.

I plan on working with the Army of Good to do some serious good this year. We are building our Circle of Love.

Our favorite room at the inn is the room that the late actor Paul Newman loved when he stayed there (sorry, Marie). Maria is never happier than when soaking in the giant bathtub there in a blanket of bubbles.



  1. Thank you for the note yesterday about accepting support from your readers. I need the little nudge and immediately sent a gift your way. I look forward to following along with you as you spread the message of “doing good” to the world around you. Merry Christmas!

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