23 December

Wish List: A Filing Cabinet For The Mansion Activity Room

by Jon Katz

A final and simple last  Amazon Mansion Wish List request for a Christmas present for the Mansion Activity Room, posted by Activity Director Julia Harlin, whose corner is overwhelmed by papers, mail, supplies, and forms.

Julie works so hard to keep the residents engaged, exercised, and busy needs some support. She’s asking for one file cabinet, and Julie rarely asks for anything for herself.  In fact, she’s never asked for anything for herself.

I’ve seen the need, it’s quite real.

People have complained that the Wish Lists go so fast they don’t get a chance to contribute, so I’ll give those people an opportunity if they wish to use it. No pressure, you all have given quite a bit to the Mansion residents and aides, and it is much appreciated.

It’s Christmas Eve and people are busy, if nobody gets to it in the morning, I’ll be glad to order it myself, and thanks for all of the support you’ve given the Mansion this year. You can see the file cabinet here.

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