22 December

Zinnia’s First Solstice Bonfire

by Jon Katz

I decided to bring Zinnia out to the pasture to sit with us and watch the Winter Solstice bonfire we lit tonight. She sat down, ate some wood chips and seemed fascinated by the flames.

Sunday was a day of firsts for Zinnia. I took her out on a busy high with big trucks roaring past. She was on the side of the road, of course, leashed up, but I wanted to see if the truck noise or speed would rattle her, she’s never been close to a huge truck in her life.

Zinnia was not impressed. She sat down, as requested, and even though one of the big lumber trucks blew my hat off as it rushed passed, Zinnia didn’t even move. She sat still and watched and waited.

She had the same response to this roaring fire in front of her (she was also leashed, if course) she just doesn’t rattle, at least not yet. Our socialization campaign is working very well.

It is touching to see Zinnia experiencing so many new things. She is a very grounded and stable dog, I am honored to have the opportunity of training her well so that she can live up to her potential.

(This is an inside joke for me since my father often told me I was not living up to my potential. I would have enjoyed telling him that I have a dog (several really) who have.


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