22 December

Sunday Notes: Christmas Present From The Wizard Of Brooklyn

by Jon Katz

I sent Robin a wizard’s hat a couple of weeks ago and Emma sent me a photo of her wearing it. I had the image printed out and it’s going on my study wall, the first photo of Robin that I have hanging in the farmhouse.

It’s a good one. Robin has a passion for the dark and mystical side, she has the right grandfather for that. I love the photo. It’s my Christmas present to myself.

Tonight, we’re lighting a bonfire in the pasture to mark the Winter Solstice, this is the shortest day and the longest night of the year.

We’re also putting up some lights around the farmhouse we’ll keep them up until the days get longer again. We had breakfast at Jean’s,  went to the last day of the 2019 Farmer’s Market and brought some muffins over to the Mansion.

I’m conducting a Christmas service at 2 p.m. Tuesday, I’ll be reading some Christmas poems, and some poems by Robert Frost.

I think Robin makes a hell of a wizard, she said she was turning me into a duck. I have to learn how to quack.


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