21 December

Picture Of The Week

by Jon Katz

I’m starting a new feature, a Picture Of The Week. I like this photo of Zinnia, undertaking her very first work as a therapy-dog-in-training. She surprised me with her gentleness, her intuition, and her patience.

Jean is in the Memory Care Unit of the Mansion Assisted Care Facility, she remembers me but no longer knows my name. When she saw Zinnia, she clapped her hands and broke out into a great smile, the aides said she had not smiled for a while.

I put Zinnia up on the sofa next to her, and Zinnia curled up next to Jean and put her head on her arm, looking up straight into her eyes. These two sat like that for 10 to 15 minutes, and I remembered that you can never really train a dog to be a therapy dog, it has to come from inside of them, from their heart.

Zinnia, I learned this week, has a great big heart. This is my Picture Of The Week.


  1. Doesn’t Fate miss going to the senior center? She seemed to love it. I worry that she is being ignored in place of Zinnia.

    1. She goes several times a week, as I write on the blog..But no, I have no reason to think she misses it when she doesn’t go. She is very happy being with Maria and the sheep, I do not feel the least bit sorry for her, she has a great life, as she deserves.

  2. Kudos to Zinnia’s wonderful breeder who has the knowledge & skill to select the best puppy of the litter for your chosen purpose of therapy dog.

  3. I love you posts about Zinnia. I have adopted four adult toy poodles, retiring mothers. After the death of each one I read your books, either another book or a repeat. Your books kept my doggy heart alive. Having just retired I was looking forward to again becoming a doggy mom. Surgery last year slowed down that plan. Now I need back surgery, hopefully to happen soon. Then, if surgery allows me to walk again, I can adopt another toy poodle. Seeing Zinnia grow up is the first time I have had an ongoing glimpse of what raising a puppy is like. So appealing, but it is also amazing to see a hard working retired mom discover she is loved and life is filled with promise. In both cases, new life emerging.

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