I’ve started teaching Zinnia to “lie down,” in my book the most important and sometimes difficult of the basic obedience commands. “Lie down” is a submissive posture for dogs, it leaves them vulnerable and passive, two unnatural positions for strong dogs or dogs like Zinnia.
She doesn’t want to do it. I’ve been working with her for three days on and off and am beginning to focus on the command now. It’s good for any dog, essential for a therapy dog.
It is a calming position, it says the dog is submitting to the human. Dogs who lie down are not in fighting or running or aggressive mode, so it is also a calming position, and calming training is my thing.
Come and see the progress we are making, it is slow but steady. Timing is everything.
Hi Jon, That was both interesting and informative. Thanks for sharing the process and technique!
Also, it’s good to see that Zinnia is training you to give her treats 😉
Very impressive! You are a patient teacher. Loved this video.