26 November

Holidays: Giving Thanks For Zinnia

by Jon Katz

I had a pretty intense day. I had to shop for Thanksgiving (we’re staying home, inviting a friend) , go to the post office, then to the bank, make three trips to the Mansion, hit two consignment shops, write six blog posts, take a bunch of photos, download a new photo program called Luminar 4, take care of farm chores while Maria was away and walk Linnia about 50 times.

I was bushed, so I lay down in my chair for a few minutes,  and then fell asleep.

Zinnia was snoozing on the floor next to Fate and Bud.

We are letting her out of the crate for short bursts. I felt a pressure on my chest and I woke up and opened my eyes to see Zinnia starting at me, she had somehow hopped up onto my chest and was studying me carefully, trying to figure out why I wasn’t paying attention to her.

When I opened my eyes, she suddenly was all over my face, licking me, wagging her tail,  trying to gnaw on my chin. Zinnia is a wonderful dog, and I am grateful to her. She is smart, loving, curious and playful.

She went to the Mansion with me when I dropped some things off. She did pee once on a hallway carpet (the staff cleaned it right up, Sylvie urged me to rub her nose in it, I did not).

Up in the country, there’s not a lot of talk about positive reinforcement.

I am grateful to have a Zinnia in time for Thanksgiving. So far, she is the dog I wanted, she is the dog I worked hard to get.  She will be a wonderful therapy dog.

Tomorrow morning, I get up early to meet my new family practitioner. I’m eager to meet her.

And she is my dog. She’s already watching out for me.


  1. Whoa! I love this close-up. The way she comes up on my screen, BOOM! There is Zinnia, right on my chest, too, about to chew on my chin. I LOVE IT!!

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