I found this mail today in my Post Office box, there was no message or return address. It had this lovely graphic and a simple underlined message, “For You,” and a crisp new $5 bill.
I am grateful to everyone who sends donations for the Mansion and for the refugee children at Bishop Maginn, you have done so much good for so many people.
I am especially touched by the $5 and $10 contributions. They add up, and they mean a lot to me, they also do a lot of good.
How sweet and thoughtful this message is.
Maria and I are off to Vermont this morning to drop off the new batch of wool from our recent shearing. Maria is more excited than I’ve ever seen her about the sheep, the wool and the yarn, she has all kinds of new plans, colors, and ideas for the wool and the roving.
We’ll stop in Fair Haven, Vt., for some breakfast, I’m a new fan of egg and cheese on muffin sandwiches.
I’m getting a slew of messages from blog readers urging me to stick it out with Lightroom if I get past the first month, they say, and it’s many odd quirks, then I’ll love it.
Just because I don’t like unwanted advice doesn’t mean I don’t take it once in a while. I’m going to give it a good try this and next week.
Tomorrow I go to Bishop Maginn to meet about sending some warm clothes to the neediest children their and their families, and to meet with the Spanish class teacher about some badly needed textbooks.
Thanks for this quite beautiful message, whoever you are, a great way to start the day.