5 November

Breakfast At The Wooden Soldier In Fairhaven, Vt.

by Jon Katz

On the way to the Vermont Fiber Mill, we stopped in Fair Haven at one of our favorite 1940’s style diners, the Wooden Soldier on Main Street. We each had a very fine egg and cheese on a muffin and potatoes on the side.

This is an evocative place, unchanged in nearly 50 years. I spotted the reflection of Maria drinking coffee in the mirror (I’ve never seen a mirror in individual diner booths before) and grabbed my camera.

We had gone back in time.


  1. Isn’t the town of Fair Haven quaint? I was married in 2001 at the Fair Haven Bed & Breakfast and stayed the weekend there. And we ate at the Greek Restaurant the owners of the Bed & Breakfast owned. It was Nov 10, 2001. I have pictures of the inside ….it was the one and only time I stayed at a Bed & Breakfast. We wandered around Rutland and bought some home made Maple Syrup to take back home. We lived in NY….it was the longest ride of my life. I had moved to Astoria Queens when I married him.

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