Maria plans for months for our quarterly visits to the Vermont Fiber Mill in Brandon, Vt, to meet with co-owner Debbie Bratton and plot and discuss her ever-more creative plans for Bedlam Farm wool.
Maria is always nervous before these trips, she wants to bring the right amount, choose the right colors, plot the right roving.
Debbie is a big help, patient and knowledgeable.
I love to watch these two savvy women sit down together and figure out how this wool will become yarn, and in what style and colors.
Maria is deeply into this part of her creativity, and she loves working with sheep.
Red always came with us, he always lay down between the two of them when they talked. I think Zinnia will be coming along on our next trip to Brandon, which will be in the Spring to pick up the yarn that comes from the six bags of wool we brought.
Debbie, like everyone else we know, wants to know when she is coming. Seven days, I said.
Maria respects Debbie and trusts her, and she went over colors carefully. Maia has all kinds of new ideas for this wool.
Awesome!!! I am so happy to hear Maria is doing another round of yarn (not that I knit)….but the first skeins that was selling were beautiful!! I love Maria’s shoes!!