Good morning. Last night I successfully migrated all of my 40,00 photos onto a hard drive. This morning, I got my Lightroom photo management program up and running, there were some issues with size and version.
This is the first photo I edited on Lightroom. I was pretty happy with it. I have a lot more to learn, it is not as simple as it’s happy users indicated, but it’s a question of trial and error, of experimentation, of willingness to ask for help.
Lots of lessons for me here. Many thanks to Carl of Apple Support, he saved the day. Today should be exciting for me. I’ll use my Aperture program, the only one I’ve ever used, one more time tonight, and then kiss it goodbye.
It will get easier, this stuff isn’t fun but you can’t stop progress. Hopefully there will be a bright side, new features you like being forced into seeing!
It will all work itself out…
Sweet ?
The love in the two of their eyes shines through. I love it!