3 November

Zinnia At Seven Weeks! Coming Home in Ten Days

by Jon Katz

Here’s the latest photo of our puppy Zinnia, fresh fromĀ  Stonewall Farm Labradors.

Our breeder Lenore reports that Zinnia is a bit more plucky than when we met her but just as sweet. Plucky is good in a puppy, so is sweet.

So Zinnia will come home to Bedlam Farm in 10 days. We’ve got hotel reservations the night before and we’ll get her at 10 in the morning. We’ll be home early that same afternoon.

I got a small soft dog bed for her, I want to pick up another crate and one more dog bed for my study. I also want to get her some safe chewable toys and bones so that we can teach her the difference between our stuff and her stuff.

Lab puppies will chew the legs off of tables given the chance. Our plan is to not give her a chance.

With Lab puppies, you really have to keep an eye on your shoes. I do see a bit of the devil in this latest photo. We’re bringing a breeder’s contact and a bank check for $2,000. Our $500 deposit has already been cashed.

I know most people don’t believe in spending money for a dog, but I believe a good dog is worth every penny if you can find one. I have the feeling we found one.


  1. Have you ever tried bitter apple to stop chewing? It worked like a dream on both my labs. Completely non-toxic – all it is is extract from bitter apples. They sell it for horses too. Lots of people swear by it.

  2. I am so looking forward to watching her grow! I know nothing of Labradors. The nearest to Such a temperament was my childhood golden retriever. I do like large dogs though–have had 2 Afghan hounds, 2 Norwegian elk hounds and 1 old English mastiff and 2 cross-breeds, should say mutts!

    The only ones bought, expensively, were the elk hounds. The rest were gifts or rescue, but rescued from the Ist owners. It wasn’t a word in use back then. New homes had to be found through emergencies.

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