3 November

Bedlam Sunday: Table Finished, Photos Saved

by Jon Katz

Two major events at Bedlam Farm today. Thanks to Carl, a wonderfully caring and competent senior adviser in Apple’s Creative Media Division, I was finally able to migrate my photos to a new hard drive.

Tomorrow, I’ll leave Aperture behind and migrate myself either to Apple Photos (with new extensions) or to Lightroom, if I can get help ironing out some glitches.

It is a great relief to have this issue resolved.

I was quite prepared to jettison my 40,000 images, but Carl stepped in and turned me around. The migration took about five hours. I won’t look at those photos much, but someday, somebody else might.

On another front, we are closing in on finishing the painting of our dining room table. It took much longer – a week – than we expected. Due to the moisture and humidity of last week, the first round of painting has bubbles and was sticky.

We had to scrape out the first round and do two more. The cooler, drier weather is just what we needed. I put two layers of polyurethane on today, and we’ll let it dry one more day before piling all of our stuff back.

It took a week, but it worked out. The table looked great. Maria’s idea of bright colors has made the farmhouse look love and alive.

It was a good week for the farm. We even found a plumber after weeks of calling local plumbers who never called back. Not one. So we got Josh, a competent and very nice person from Bennington, Vt. He is now our official plumber.

He fixed one leaky faucet and a leaking drain pipe in our bathroom sink. He accepted our offer to be our official plumber. I forgot to take his photo.

I like this color a lot.  Also today, Maria painted the front porch and we put tarp up on the wood sticking out of the woodshed. We were going to go out for dinner, but are too tired.

She’s still blogging.


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