2 November

The Great Photo Migration. Holding My Breath

by Jon Katz

It’s a tense time for the photographic part of my life. I’m holding my breath.

After hours of consultation this morning with Apple’s very patient and helpful media specialists, I’ve suspended access to my photo library and to Aperture, my Photo Management System, while I migrate all of my photos to a special photo storage space and find a new way to edit my pictures.

The photo nightmare I have avoided but dreaded for years is here. Aperture, where all of my pictures are stored, is breaking down, freezing, shutting down my hard drive, etc.

Aperture is a much respected Apple Photo Management and Editing System that is no longer being supported by the company. And I loved using it.

Professional photographers like me – that means people who sometimes or always sell photos – have to find another home for their photo storage and editing. I have a lot of them.

My choices are narrow. I can switch to Lightroom, the Adobe system, or take a gamble on Apple Photos, which are being steadily upgraded by their new operating systems.

Up until now, Apple Photos have been dramatically inferior to Light Room or Photoshop (I don’t use photoshop, I sometimes enhance color in my photos or crop them, I never Frankenstein them.

I trust Apple systems for a lot of reasons, mostly because Apple answers the phone and helps when you need it, and with photosystems, you often need it.

I’m going to try Apple Photos with some enhanced extensions and if they don’t work, switch to Lightroom, which I don’t like and don’t feel comfortable using. Their support is also dreadful and difficult to access.

This migration makes almost all of my photos unavailable and will take hours, even days. I did manage to get a new photo onto my desktop.

It shows Maria skirting (cleaning) the new wool we are taking to Vermont on Tuesday. Maria has some great new plans and colors for her yarn. The migration is four hours old and only 46 percent complete.

I admit I find this process unnerving. Not only are all of my photos in transition, a tricky process, but I can’t process many new ones either.

Hopefully, I’ll be functioning in some way tonight or tomorrow. Thanks for hanging in there with me.



  1. I thought you switched to Lightroom a while back. I absolutely love it and can’t imagine using anything else, I use it in combination with Photoshop. I’m surprised you don’t like it. Good luck with the process, it’s always a little stressful.

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