1 November

Fate Contained

by Jon Katz

Fate is the most active and restless dog I’ve ever had, and she has some hard days of absolute quiet and confinement ahead of her, the gash in her leg is deep and dangerous.

She is taking a sedative, a pain-killer, and an anti-biotic and Dr. Fariello says the next two days are critical.

If she stays absolutely still and is leashed walked only, the wound could be healing by Sunday or Monday.

She isn’t trying to take the bandage off, which she usually does, and the sedative seems to be keeping her calm.

It’s hard for Maria and I to see her so confined, but it’s essential that she is rested and keeps the wound dry for a few days. We have to put a rubber sleeve on her leg when she goes out as long as the ground is wet or it’s raining.

So it’s  Fate confined, a new Fate we haven’t seen before. No therapy work, no time out of the crate except when eating and walking on a leash. The complete opposite of her very free and active existence.

Fate is one of the great free animal spirits that I’ve know, but being a steward guides me. She has to be still.

But it’s all part of a dog’s life and a life with dogs.


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