30 October

Off To Albany: Good To Do

by Jon Katz

Today is Wednesday, a day to some special good. I’m heading for Bishop Maginn High School and my weekly Writing Workshop class. I hope to get all of their photos today.

Some other things are also heating up at Bishop Maginn. I’m bringing my “New Bishop Maginn  High School” pens to hand out.

The government teacher is meeting with me to seek a Bishop Maginn Amazon Wish List for 12 $10 “American Government” textbooks he wants to buy for his government class.  I think we can do that.

Sue Silverstein needs five cans of acrylic paint, her art students are fired up about painting some murals for buildings in Albany. I think we can do that.

Erica Macleod needs some help patching together a stage curtain for the Christmas play, “Happy Hollandaise,” the first play the school has produced in decades.

We can buy three small curtains and patch them together, they are $300 a piece. I think we can do all of those things, just not all at once. One at a time.

I’m getting the first writing samples from my students today, that is exciting.

Look for the Wish Lists here on the blog, today or tomorrow. This is good stuff for us to do. It feels good to do good.

I’ll know more later, thanks.

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