30 October

How I Start My Day

by Jon Katz

Until a few years ago, I would wake up, have some coffee, feed the animals and take a few minutes to catch up on their news.

It became something of a habit, a reflex, and it took me a while to see that the news is very much about greed and money. Hatred, violence, and anxiety sell, they draw people like bees to pollen.

I want to understand what is happening in the world, but I realized how I started my day was important. And their news was not how I wished to start my day.

So I decided to begin the day with something beautiful, something loving, something pure.

Sometimes it is a dog herding sheep, sometimes it’s Maria talking with her donkeys, sometimes  it’s the sun coming over the mountains or a beautiful sky, sometimes it’s barn cats cuddling, or it’s a dog sitting on a mule or chasing a chipmunk, sometimes it’s a portrait of a sheep.

Last night, I put up a photo of Issachar snuggling with me, a first for me.

This morning, it was the sight of Maria and Issachar, one of our new wool sheep, cuddling by the hay feeder. This is a people sheep.

This is how I wish to start my day today,  or every day, and I can tell you, this is the news I wish to see in the morning.

How I begin each day is important, it shapes the hours to come, it sets the tone. It’s a choice.

I am grateful I can choose between this scene, or all those angry and disconnected people shouting at one another on TV. I don’t wish to begin the day angry, or upset. This image gives me hope and comfort.

I hope some of these photos do the same for you, that’s sort of the point.

This is about life and love and the natural world. The big news around here.

People can devour one another if they choose, I’m on a different path.


  1. Reading your blog and Maria’s is how I most often start my day. It always lifts me up and restores any flagging hope I’m feeling. It is so very special what you both offer. Thanks so much for the blessings.

  2. Yes, Jon. That is how I want to start my day as well. During the summer months I take my tea on the porch and look at the mountains. With their lovely shades of orange, brown and gold they are really beautiful now but it’s a bit brisk for me in the morning now. (I don’t run outside with no clothes to take photos. ) It is calming and inspiring to read your blog and see you lovely photos in the morning as well. Thanks you for sharing your talents with us.

    1. Thank you Jon for your entry this morning. I have stopped morning tv or radio news quite a while ago. I have as of a few weeks ago stopped nightly news that seems to get filled with worse news each day. I had to stop watching entirely. Your blog is the best way to start the day and today’s entry resonated deeply. This is THE way to begin my day! Thank you so very much.

  3. It is a delightful way to start the day. How can I not love this new arrival. It is so lovely to share that moment through your photos.

  4. Interaction with animals has always been a high point in my life. There’s nothing like it! I am so happy to see the picture of you and Issachar and now Maria with him. So absolutely beautiful!!

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