29 October

Lovefest In The Peaceable Kingdom. Finding Peace

by Jon Katz

It was a love fest on a warm, breezy Fall afternoon. I stopped for a minute out there to think of the many people suffering in California, losing their homes, farm and many of their animals to raging wildfires.

It was a time for me to count my many blessings, and a time for some animals on the farm – Bud, Issachar, Lulu and Fanny to gather around me and Maria for some attention and affection.

I wondered why the politicians in Washington weren’t getting up off their buns and rushing to California to help in any way they can and comfort all those lost and frightened people.

But our broken government doesn’t seem to work that way at this time.

I hope that will change one day, I believe the wheel will turn, as it usually does. I have a lot of hope in me.

Maria told me last night that she wished she made a lot more money so that I could not ever have to think about money again. I have often wished the same thing in reverse.

But I don’t do that much anymore, I said this is our lives, we are living our lives, we are where we should be, doing what we should be doing.

It really doesn’t get any better than that, I said.

There is no need for either of us to regret anything.

We could just be happy and at peace, standing out in our pasture on our wonderful farm.

Whatever happens in my life from this point on, I will find peace and joy in this time, in these years, in our lives in this place, this Peaceable Kingdom.


  1. Beautifully written, Jon, and such a beautiful peaceful scene. How blessed you and Maria are. Thank you for sharing this with us.

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