29 October

Blogging On Our (Almost) Painted Table

by Jon Katz

I came out of my study tonight, warning Maria that I wrote a bit about Jesus on my blog tonight (a joke between us, she is down on organized religion).

As I came into the light, I saw this beautiful and regal sight: Maria sitting alone on the primed but still unfinished dining room table, blogging on her laptop, as we both do every night before bed.

With all the clutter moved somewhere else, for now, she looked like a Queen sitting at her throne, a solitary figure dwarfed by the “desk” in front of her. It looked like a royal photograph to me.

While I was quoting Thomas Merton about charity, she was writing about the dichotomy of Bud, how he loves to kill moles outside in the yard, and then snuggle up with us when he gets inside.

Outside, Bud is a marauder and a beast. Inside, he’s a pussycat.

From her studio windows, Maria can see Bud rampaging around the yard eager for something to kill. Our table painting hit some roadblocks, there was bubbling all across the table.

The people at the hardware store suggested this was because it was so rainy and human, there was moisture in the table wood. So we are waiting for it to dry.

Maria scraped and scraped – she gets quite obsessive about these tasks – and we started from scratched. Sanding, scraping, and two new coats of primer.

We’ll try painting the soft orange color again sometime tomorrow. Maria thinks we’re on a good track now, I get to paint the Polyurethane over it all at the end.


  1. Ha, I know you said it was a big table but I didn’t realize it was enormous!!! What a wonderful space!

  2. I was a painting contractor for 30 years and one thing I know that is often overlooked is the proper dry time of latex paints or any water borne coating. They appear to dry quickly but if they aren’t properly cured between coats, especially if there is high humidity (as your hardware store mentioned) there can be problems. Sometimes they have to sit longer between coats than most allow for. I am sorry for this problem. I guess I still have a bit of that old me hanging around inside. Those kinds of problems could cost us all profit and even wages on some of the best jobs. I’m sure Maria will do a wonderful job of correcting the issue. And the table is going to be beautiful when done. Love the color

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