27 October

Robin On The Yellow Brick Road

by Jon Katz

Emma and Robin went to see the “Wizard Of Oz” in New York City this morning, this is only the second full-length feature film Robin has seen in a big-screen theater.

She is standing in front of a screen showing the Yellow Brick Road in the lobby of the theater.

She is already catching the magic of this movie.

Emma said Robin loves movies already,  and Emma loves going with her.

Robin also loves big buckets of popcorn,  a family trait it is very nice to see being passed on.

I confess to getting a pang, this is something I would have loved to be present for.

But I accept the realities,  I feel closer both to Emma and Robin that I had for a while. It feels good, even if  I can’t be there. These two will see a thousand movies, just as Emma and I did.

Not much is left of my life with that first family, it is good to see somethings still live. I think being Robin’s mother is bringing back some of the good stuff.

Divorce can wipe out the good with the bad, and I am happy to see that some of it live. I so loved taking Emma to the movies, we had to see the Terminator several times so that she could open her eyes to all of it.


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