26 October

Secret Garden Today. Gang Of Four

by Jon Katz

Maria and I went to Williamstown, Mass., this afternoon to see a movie called “The Queen,” filmed in the ’60s about the then little known  Drag Queen culture in New York.

We’ve come a long way. On the way to the movie, we stopped at the Mansion to drop some warm clothes off to some of the residents, including Nancy, who has few clothes for warm weather.

I know they will be out there smoking in the bitterly cold weather to come. At least they’ll have some warm clothes.

Maria sat down with Bert, Georgianna, and Nancy (Bert is resting from her hospital stay) and the sight of the four of them laughing and talking lifted my heart.

Laura looked better than she did yesterday, her first day at the Mansion, she said she loves coming outside and talking with the others, she’s feeling steadier. The Army Of Good has done a lot of very good things for the Mansion, but the Secret Garden is one of the best.

It has brought comfort and joy and friendship to people who need it. It is a warm and open place, a bastion of friendship and community. It was the best trip to Home Depot I ever made. Thanks for supporting it.

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