26 October

How To Order The “Egg And Cheese” At Jean’s Place

by Jon Katz

I have to be honest and admit that I love Jean’s more each time I go there. Maria and I went this morning. I need to confess by stating I never had an egg and cheese breakfast sandwich in my life until I tried one at Amy’s Country Wagon the other day.

I decided to try ordering one at Jean’s but the truth is I really didn’t know how to do it or what words to use. As a  result, sounded like an idiot.

I gave Mary – our waitress this morning – a strained and awkward order for an English Muffin, then an egg, then some kind of sausage, then some kind of cheese with potatoes.

She looked at me funny as I mumbled, and I asked her what the matter was, and she said, “didn’t they teach you anything here?”

Well, I said: no.

There is a proper way to order things at Jean’s, Mary said. She decided to teach me.

So I asked her for some instructions. There were more options than I realized. There is not just one way to get an egg and cheese sandwich.

And I didn’t really know any of them.

Up here, I know, you are always an outlander, you can only be a local if you are not a local. I’m not and will never be a local.

But the locals run this place and are kind and generous as long as you don’t show up with any city pretensions and you admit your urban shortcomings (as in I don’t know shit.)

Mary gave me detailed instructions on how the breakfast sandwich I wanted should be ordered.

Basically, I need to say (Maria was cracking up during all of this) “Sausage Egg And Cheese on a toasted muffin,  side of hash browns.” That was a lot simpler and clearer than my initial order.

She then came back with some detailed instructions she wrote on an order slip for me to put in my wallet. I told her I usually do what I’m told, especially by the Attack Waitresses there. You really don’t want to mess with them.

Then she tested me a bit, and I passed.

Mary, like everyone who works at Jean’s, is a tough talker with a huge heart. The egg/cheese sandwich I got was delicious, I’m hooked, it will replace pancakes as my default breakfast there, or as Robin shouted from across the room, “he’s out of the box now.”

The sandwich was delicious, the potatoes perfectly cooked, the muffin toasted. I don’t know how they do it at Jean’s but everything I get just tastes good.

I always associated this sandwich with something you get at McDonald’s or Dunkin’ Donuts and heart patients usually stay away from both of those places. I just never thought to order one.

I’m happy to discover this meal, especially the way they cook it at Jean’s Place.

At home, I went over Mary’s instructions and learned about the different ways this sandwich can be made (five different kinds of bread to serve it on). I think I’ll go with the standard order and American Cheese.

I am grateful to Mary for taking me in hand. I hope Jean’s place endures forever.


  1. That is hysterical!! At least your waitress has a sense of humor to write it all down for you. So funny!! Sounds delicious!

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