24 October

Video: Happy Birthday, Georgianna

by Jon Katz

Georgianna didn’t know until Melissa told her that today was her birthday. She said she didn’t want or need any presents but I’m going to pick something up for herm I haven’t figured out what.

I notice in the photo that she is smoking, but I’m not buying cigarettes for her. It’s not my business, but after her trip to the hospital, I don’t feel comfortable doing it.

I love this video, it shows the loving instincts of so many of the Mansion aides. Here, Melissa comes out to find Georgianna, sing to her, hug her and love her.

This meant a lot to Georgianna, I could see it.

Her spirit and love for other people are very strong, she has brightened up the Mansion in a visible way. The Secret Garden has proved a boon for her and others at the Mansion.

Not  too many people have fun there every day. Georgianna does.

Georgianna and her friends love to sit outside and talk in the sun.

I’m getting winter boots for Nancy and Georgianna today. I also ordered a min-refrigerator for the Break Room and a coffee machine.

Eileen: Those Halloween socks you sent were a huge hit among the residents and the aides as well.

Thanks for sending them, they disappeared in a flash.

I’m also trying to help one of the Mansion aides, a very loving and hard-working person.

She is strapped right now, she has kids in the house and didn’t have a dining room table or TV stand. I got her those two things, and today, I got hold of an inexpensive headboard for her bed. She moved recently to get her kids out of a bad neighborhood, and it is expensive on her salary.

I’ve been trying to help with food from time to time, she is quite proud and doesn’t like to ask for help. I help in small ways when I can.

I won’t identify her out of respect for her privacy and dignity. Through all of their hardships, the Mansion aides never stop showing love.

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