23 October

Do You Believe In Angel Dogs?

by Jon Katz

Several people have asked me since Red died if I believe he might have been an angel dog. I’m not sure I know what that is, but I suspect Red might have been one if they exist.

He didn’t even seem like a real dog to me sometimes. He always did good, and he always knew what good was.

Sue Silverstein is the Theology Chair and lecturer at Bishop Maginn High School, and she is my angel and theology adviser. She knew Red she said absolutely, Red was an angel, not an angel dog, but an angel. No question about it, she said, and she has some creds.

I could see that in Red. He lived to do good and to watch over me. I don’t know Zinnia well enough to grasp the spiritual implications of me.

I always have, for some reason, believed in angels, and I accept them in the broader sense of seeing them in many different forms – human, natural, animal, – and yes, individual dogs. In my mind, I don’t see them as beautiful creatures with big wings.

In my mind, angel dogs are different from angels. Angel dogs are spirit dogs; they make us smile, comfort us, show us patience, teach us to listen, and how to love and be loved.

I think angels have a higher consciousness than most dogs and people. I believe, as Sue says, they come for a reason and leave when they are finished, just like the great dogs in our lives. So perhaps it makes sense to see dogs as angels.

They seem to fit the general definition of angels and have the traits of angels.

There is no consensus about what makes an angel; they are often seen as being different than humans, they are understood to be supernatural beings, often portrayed as benevolent celestial beings who act as intermediaries and messengers between God and human beings.

We tend to think of angels as saviors and counselors in a sometimes cruel and disconnected world. We need them and want to believe in them.

In popular culture, angels are portrayed as being cheerful and helpful to people. The most famous roles of angels include protecting and guiding human beings.

It does sound like the work of dogs. I am drawn to spiritual life, but I respect what I don’t know, and what I don’t know for sure is what an angel is, what they want from me, or what I can expect from them.

When I looked into Zinnia’s face on Tuesday, I felt a powerful kind of rush, as if I was in the presence of some spirit. I felt light, uplifted, free of fear, or worry. There was a lot of light coming off of her.

I don’t like to put too much spiritual weight on dogs; people are already seeing them as mystics, therapists, healers, and geniuses.

Most of all, I want Zinnia to be a happy and healthy dog. I’ll take care of my own spiritual needs. If she does turn out to be an angel or an angel dog, I’ll figure it out. I’ll share it with you.


  1. I got a Golden Retriever puppy in January. I don’t know if she is an angel dog or not but I believe she was meant to be mine. I lost my husband to lung cancer in August of 2018. We always have had Goldens and our old Golden Callie and I were both struggling with losing Jim. I decided to get another Golden. I found a breeder that I was comfortable with and put my name on the list for a female puppy. As it turned out there was only one female in the litter. It didn’t look like she would be mine. The first people on the list changed their mind and wanted a small dog. The second decided to go to Florida for the winter, so they would wait until the next litter. Thankfully Miss Freddie ended up with me. She really helped myself and my old girl Callie to think about something other than our grief. We both just love her. Someone was watching over us and making sure she became part of our little family.

  2. I believe in angel cats. Mine died last Saturday. She was a senior cat I adopted and she shared my life for two years. I will miss her always but like you I will have another animal in my life. I have rarely in 60 years been without a cat or dog. She was so special to me and everyone who met her that although I am sad I am so grateful she was here.

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