20 October

Soul Of Maria: A Self Portrait

by Jon Katz

Maria took this remarkable self-portrait Saturday while walking in the woods with Fate. She saw a tree with a hole in the trunk and realized it fit her perfectly.

I think this is my favorite portrait of Maria, it captures her very soul, her creativity, her love of nature, the boldness of her creativity, the boundlessness of her imagination.

She and the tree became one. I would never have thought to take a photo like this or create one.

She gave me this picture and I sent an image to the Image Loft, I asked them to print up a copy for me so I can hand it on the wall in my study. I have a wonderful spot for it.

This isn’t a portrait of Maria, it is Maria. I am fortunate to have finally found the power of so much love.


  1. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a human so deeply and completely connected to nature than Maria in this photo. Transcendent! That’s all I can say.

  2. Such a unique photo! My first thought was “Wow! What a brave, brave soul Maria is!” I would never have the guts to fit myself into a hollow tree, certainly not now, but not even when I was her age. Love the picture though – just beautiful. Thanks for sharing this with us.

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