19 October

Just Do It

by Jon Katz

I ran into my Rescue Angel in the barn this morning, I assume she went in there to get out of the rain yesterday. She looked a bit stern, but then, she always does.

Is it okay to buy an angel ($5) or should we only rescue them, while so many need work these days? (Sorry, I couldn’t resist.)

Is she really talking to me? Or am I projecting onto her conversations that I need to have with myself? I don’t know, but I do know she inspires or brings me messages that I might need to hear.

I am learning to listen.

“Just do it,” she said to me.


“Your book, the one your agent thought of: When Good Dogs Die. One step at a time. He wants a proposal. It doesn’t mean you have to do the book, but we both know you will do the book if some editor wants it and will actually speak with you.”


“Look, we don’t like drama, you and I,” she said, a bit sharply. “So let’s just skip it. Just do it. Write the proposal this weekend, and send it to him..”

“But that doesn’t mean the publisher will buy it…”

“Blah, blah, blah…and you might get hit by a car and killed because of sun glare, right?…

“Here’s an idea…”


“Just write the f——- proposal.”

“OK. You sound like my agent…”


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