18 October

Morning Visitations. Sheep and Book Proposals

by Jon Katz

Before I got sick today, we went out to the pasture to check on the sheep. We’re getting two more sheep on Sunday, Maria has decided to take two wethers, wool shop from our Shearer Liz to help her expand the wool and yarn part of her life.

I was twitchy about it, but it’s her decision and she persuaded me it was a good and thoughtful one. Maria is on the move, with her life, her art, the farm.

This morning, Art from Chimney Sweep came to clean up our wood stoves, which are now ready for the cold weather. We expect to be using wood stoves next week, and feeding the animals hay in a week or so.

The cleaning of the stoves is the last step we have to take before winter. Shearing the sheep comes right along with it. The sheep have plenty of time to grow their wool back before the cold weather comes.

Next Tuesday we to Connecticut to meet Zinnia and visit with her. On November 12th, we bring her home. This weekend, I hope to work on a good book idea my agent suggested – When Good Dogs Die. I know a lot about that, as do many of you.

I think I’ll be sharp enough in the morning, I will probably get up around 5 a.m.

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