12 October

Video: Maria And Her Belly Dancing Group. Wow.

by Jon Katz

Maria and her belly dancing group from Bennington performed on the steps of the Arlington, Vt., Town Hall Saturday just before dusk, part of a worldwide Flash Mob who practice the American Belly Dancing Style (ABS).

I was very proud of her.  She is very special.

I know how hard she has worked with this wonderful group of women, and how much they and the dancing mean to her. I saw her dance last a few months ago, her comfort level and style was amazing to see.

Four members of the group came to the performance, which was not announced, it was a celebration of ABS dancers for themselves. Only one or two passersby and neighbors came out to see it.

I thought it was quite spectacular.

Maria has worked at this for several years now and come so far in her work. It was especially touching to see how closely and supportively they work with one another. How gently but clearly they teach.

She seemed at home dancing with them today, as if she’d done it all of her life, and the closeness of the group was powerful to see. They work so well and instinctively with one another.  They are skilled and intuitive teachers.

Something about Belly Dancing, about exposing your soul and body in the open, drew her to this and offered her something she needed.

And it is hard to belly dance.

I see that this kind of dancing is complicated, it involves coordinating body movements with other people and with many different parts of our body. I can’t imagine doing it.

This is only the second time I’ve seen Maria dance in public, and I was excited to see how much she has progressed.  I do know how seriously she takes this work and how hard she has worked it.

The other dancers made a point of praising her work and her willingness to learn.

I took several videos, I’ll put one up here and another tomorrow.

I’ve seen that Belly Dancing is not about men or pleasing me, it is a celebration of self, an empowering practice that honors the strength of women, and their pride in themselves and their bodies.

I think it has changed Maria, given her strength and confidence. It has been so very good for her. This is not something she ever would have done ten years ago, she has found her place and her people.

When I go see her dance, I keep my distance. The connection is with one another.

The group started dancing around 5 p.m. and danced until dark, they had time for four dances before it got dark. Come and see.


  1. Wow! That was just beautiful! It looked like all of the ladies were having fun and they did a wonderful dance! Thank you for sharing this video!

  2. Wow Maria….you never cease to amaze me! Whether it’s with your art, your yarn that you breathed life into, or your dancing, you truly are an artist. Congratulations on your dancing….you ladies did a great job! Oh to be that gutsy!!

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