11 October

Portrait, Rosemary: New Chapter For The Sheep

by Jon Katz

I got sheep in the first place because I wanted to work with my border collies, I wanted to be a shepherd and have a farm and work with dogs and write about them.

The sheep always saw me with a dog, and they always kept a bit of a distance from me. My presence usually meant trouble for them.

Now, Red is gone, and Fate is no threat to them. Bud is like a bumblebee buzzing around. I doubt Zinnia will intimidate them, they loved Lenore.

Maria has embraced the sheep and has drawn closer to them. She loves caring for them and selling their yarn.

On a farm, we can’t really afford to have farm animals as pets. They have to earn their keep. The donkeys were purchased as guard animals, they are very diligent about protecting the sheep.

Maria is selling her yarn, and that pays for some of the upkeep in hay and feed for the nine sheep we now have.

With Red gone, I’m also getting closer to the sheep, they come up to me now, sniff me, let me scratch them and rub the sides of their noses.

I loved Zelda, of course, and now I am drawn to Rosemary.

She is quieter than Zelda and less assertive.  But she has a lot of dignity.

I think her wool is especially beautiful, it gives her character. Maria and I both look forward to re-establishing our relationship with these calm and quiet animals. I will work to get to know them in a new and different way.

I am not really a shepherd any longer, or perhaps I am, just in a different way.

Red’s death has inspired us to reaffirm our commitment to having sheep and caring for them well. Rosemary never sat still for a portrait before. She seemed to like it this morning.


  1. Jon, is she from the gang of four? Reminds me of the beautiful Greco-Roman busts at the Getty Center Museum here in Los Angeles – the same bearing of dignity and the gorgeous curls (same as the upper class Roman women).

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