6 October

Robin And The Devil’s Gleam

by Jon Katz

I think the real connection Robin and I have now is the devil’s gleam in both of our eyes. We both have a tendency towards willfulness, a dry and ironic sense of humor, and a penchant for making some trouble.

She wants me to come to New York and take her t see the sequel of “Frozen,” the movie, but this is just the sort of thing that I can’t really do. It’s just not a simple thing for me to get to Brooklyn and back.

I am thinking of inviting Robin and Emma to join Maria and me for a visit to see the $400 million renovations and re-design of the Museum Of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York City, once the expected throngs thin a bit.

Robin had a blast today on the swing at Fort Greene Park in Brooklyn, she loves the plastic fish bowl I got for her and is destroying the skeleton I sent her. I hope she likes the moon lamp I got for her.

Robin and I are doing better than I expected at this point, given the distance, but perhaps not as great as many other grandparents predicted and expected. I am not an integral or regular part of her life and am not trying to be,  but we are aware of each other and appreciate one another.

We will make some noise together, I can tell.

The other night, she Facetime’d me and blew me a kiss. That was pretty sweet.


  1. Make the effort to take her to the Frozen movie since it seems to be important to her – make those memories with her!!

  2. Oh my, she has gotten so big! How old is she now? She has beautiful red hair. Does that come from her mother? FaceTime is a great way to connect with each other, even if it is a bit expensive on some plans. I’m sure you want to keep up on her life.

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