3 October

For Bud And Chip, It Was Gettysburg This Morning

by Jon Katz

For Bud and Chip, it was like Gettysburg out there this morning, Bud was fired up and Chip was especially cheeky. Bud found what he believes is Chip’s main hole and stood guard for 15 minutes.

Then Bud did a rope-a-dope and popped up and squeaked a few stones away, triggering a back and forth battle with no end or resolution. Chip is way too fast so far for me to get a photo of him, I might try catching him on video.

His appearances are brief. I explained to Bud that he might do better if he didn’t stand over the holes and bark, as if to demand that Chip come out and slug it out with him.

Bud is determined, but Chip is lightning fast, strategic and clever. He manages to unnerve Bud and get him excited. I’m staying neutral, these two are having a joyous time chasing each other around.

So far, I’d say Chip has the upper hand.

But Bud is nothing if not resolute, defeat day after day strengthens his revolve, not weakens it. But that stone wall is tough, it is long and the rocks are heavy.  Chip seems a brilliant strategist to me, and that is Bud’s weakness. His strategy is to bark and charge and try to nose the rocks apart. It isn’t working.

Boston Terriers were bred to go after mice and rats and to burrow into their holes. I’m not sure old big stone walls were part of their training.

Bud can’t nose his way in, and it appears as if Chip has built a tunnel system that evokes the Viet Cong. He seems able to pop up almost anywhere.


  1. Dogs do what dogs do. Bark and chase…our Aussies go after anything that moves on four legs and sometimes, two. My red tri managed to catch and kill a mouse who popped up in the wrong place at the wrong time last week. I managed to get it away from her, mangled. I apologized to the mouse (until they start coming into the house for the winter). Jon, that’s a spectacular picture. Bud is sure a character and you’re having fun with he and this squirrel, Thanks for brightening my morning with your dialogue and Bud’s warrior stance. I t’s priceless.
    Sandy Proudfoot, Canada

  2. Perhaps Flo and Minnie could give Bud some lessons in the art of stealth. I can picture the three of them in the War Room (your back porch) discussing tactics on how to capture that insolent chipmunk. Actually, I’m surprised one of the cats hasn’t caught it by now. He must be very wily!

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