29 September

Our Lab Breeder Also Breeds Maine Coon Cats

by Jon Katz

Our Lab Breeder, Lenore Severni of Stonewall Farms also breeds Maine Coon Cats as it turns out, she has a litter of six kittens for sale. I thought I might mention that in case anyone is looking to buy a kitten. I don’t know much about cats, but these seem pretty appealing to me.

If you’re interested, you can e-mail Lenore (Stonewall Farm Labradors)  at [email protected]. If she breeds cats the way she breeds dogs, and I’m sure she does, these will be very special animals.

She breeds Springer Spaniels as well.

Her e-mail is [email protected].


  1. I am definitely a cat lover and Maine Coons are my favorite. What a tempting video! I already have two sisters. . .my very patient husband would walk out the door if I got more. Love the video & thanks for the info about Lenore.

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