You will almost surely recall Blue, the gifted young artist and a senior at Bishop Maginn High School. I was selling her art all summer. Blue’s family wants her to be a nurse, and in Blue’s world, the family carries the greatest weight.
Maria and I both believe she is gifted enough to be an artist, and so do many of the blog readers.
They bought every single painting she made all through the summer. Blue and the other artists in the class are planning to put up an Etsy page soon, I hope she does.
Blue’s refugee family has struggled as refugee families do, often by definition.
The family has no money and early in the summer, we raised money for her to get the personal things she needs and some clothes. Blue is moody, complex and full of spirit, she is close friends with Ashtar, the two are nearly inseparable.
Months ago, I asked Blue if there was anything she really wanted in the world that was for fun – Blue gets depressed sometimes, I sensed she needed something that was fun, not something utilitarian.
Oh, she said, the thing she has always wanted was a Hollywood Undead jacket, she had been trying to save money for one, but needed to give the money she earned to her family, it was needed. Besides, she said, the Hollywood Undead jacket’s were too expensive.
I didn’t say anything, and I had never heard of the group. It is a gift to be around young people, you learn something with every conversation.
I went online and looked up the Hollywood Dead, a brash cult band spawned on the streets of Los Angeles, known for especially brash hip-hop, rock and metal touches along with a lot of attitudinal posturing. It was the perfect group for Blue.
The band debuted in 2008 with their hit Swan Songs but exploded in 2011 with their second album American Tragedy. Blue said the group got her through many a long night. They call themselves “the gang” and now have a huge online following.
The jacket Blue wanted so badly was $75, and I felt it was too much for me to spend, so many of the kids have almost desperate clothing and other needs.
But I kept it in the back of my mind, and once or twice a week, I visited Hollywood Undead fan and souvenir sites – there’s a whole underworld out there.
For two months, I just couldn’t find what I wanted but two weeks ago, I came across a special one- day sale on one of the group’s fan sites – they were offering a small number of Blue’s jackets for just $35.
I am fast online these days but couldn’t get on the site. I actually found a number for the group that I could call and I got a live human who actually answered the phone.
I explained the situation and insisted on paying for the jacket. I got one. It arrived two days later. I had the great pleasure of presenting it to Blue today when I visited Bishop Maginn High School in Albany.
Blue is notoriously cool and undemonstrative but she shrieked with delight, threw her arms around me and gave me the biggest hug.
She put the jacket on while her pal Asher photo-bombed her and then ran out of the room to give it to her friends. I can’t say how happy that made me. And look at that smile.
My next project at Bishop Maginn is to get my young friend Issachar – you may know him by his jokes – a Canon Powershot camera.
I gave the class a used Canon someone sent me from the Army Of Good and it just lit Issichar up, he has been taking photos non-stop – for the school, the yearbook, and bulletin boards.
It is my goal to support the culture of these kids when possible, it connects them to our world and brings them the joy they deserve, they have led the hardest of lives.
I’m looking at a Canon Powershot SX720 which is a great beginner’s small camera and which sells for $309.99. Issachar is a wonderfully gifted and thoughtful young man, I’m going to put up some of the money myself to buy this camera if you are so inclined, I’d welcome the help.
A few donations, big or small, should make it possible. I think this is a gift that would enrich and enhance his life. I could tell by the way he held his camera (below.) He’s hooked.
If you wish to help, you can send a contribution to me via Paypal, [email protected] or by check, Jon Katz, Mansion/Refugee Fund, P.O. Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816.