24 September

Why I Live Here. And Thanks For Your Support

by Jon Katz

Maria and I got up early this morning to go to Amy’s Country Kitchen for one of her egg sandwiches on an English Muffin. I was craving some protein in the morning. On the way the skies opened up on the cornfields down the road, the mists hung off of the Green Mountains of Vermont in the distance, the sun was breaking through the sky, the corn, just now being cut for the cows this winter lined the road.

When I travel, as we did this weekend, I love to see the different colors of people, hear the different languages, see the different dress. This rich texture is what I most love about America, even though it is the very thing many people seem to hate about America.

I miss seeing that in my small upstate New York Town, but I am compensated by the beauty of nature, which is all around me. It means the world to me to see a sky like this right outside my window.

Sometimes I feel we are losing our soul in this country, but I never lose hope that we shall get it back. The Army Of Good is my hope and salvation. Last night, I asked for help and so far, I’ve received about $700 via Paypal, enough for me to restore the Mansion/Refugee Fund, which was getting low.

I admit was getting a bit nervous, I needn’t be. The Army Of Good is very real, the idea is important to people, as it is to me.  I will never quit on you, you have never quite on me. Makes me tear up.

If further money comes in, and I am certain it will, I will use it to good effect, for the Mansion residents, for the students at Bishop Maginn High School. Any overage will be spent efficiently and directly to people who need it.

I don’t leave money hanging around in my special bank account. I keep it moving, doing good.

With this money, and hopefully some more down the road, I will make sure every Mansion resident and every Bishop Maginn student has the clothes and personal effects they need to get through this winter.

You did that, and thank you.

Sandy sent me $80 to buy cigaretttes for Nancy, Georgianna, and Bert, the Secret Garden Gang. How sweet, they will be very happy.

I thank you for standing with me in this important work during this critical time. I have never felt more needed, I am experiencing the joy of being loved for doing good. It’s about time. Today I’m taking two more bathrobes over to the Mansion, one for Carol, one for Helen. They are happy and grateful beyond words.


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