24 September

Sheep Contemplation

by Jon Katz

I see sheep as contemplatives. It’s common to see one-off a bit from the flock staring out over the horizon. I wonder what they are thinking, or even if they are thinking. With Red gone, the sheep come up to me, sniff me, hang out with me, even let me into the flock for a while.

Today, I stood out with Izzy joining him in our few minutes of contemplation. Sheep have been with people as long as donkeys and dogs, they seem to know us, it is calming to be with them.

My mind was floating a bit out there also, I felt especially grounded and peaceful.


  1. I’m going to have to read up on sheep herding and the purpose and concept of a herding dog (I have an Old English Sheepdog – in town, in my house). I don’t quite understand why Red was at odds with Zinnia nor why the sheep didn’t come around you before and that’s how it was supposed to be, but now it’s okay. I’ll get it — just need some schooling.

  2. My eyes are blessed by your recent photos. The rich saturation of color is so real, to seem false! I have stared long at this particular photo. Then I went outside in our sunny day. You have taught me that October light is the very best, and we are beginning to see it, with yesterday’s fall solstice. By golly, the colors in the photo are not false. In fact, they are identical to the colors outside my door. That is some new camera. I look forward to your next batch of photos, as my eyes become to such perfection.

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