24 September

Fate Joins The Secret Garden Club

by Jon Katz

Fate is now an official member of the Secret Garden Club, the other members being Nancy, Bert, and Georgianna. I’ve slowly but methodically been outfitting these remarkable women with lap blankets, sweatshirts and winter shoes, and socks.

It’s clear to me now that they will be sitting out there in the middle of winter smoking their cigarettes and talking. They even sit out in the rain.

Yesterday, a kind reader sent me $80 for cigarettes, all three are smokers. “Get them some cigarettes,” she wrote, “they are old enough to make up their own minds.” True.

Fate has been adopted by the club, she greets them, gets some hugs and lies down, as if to join the conversation. Sometimes I sit down too.

Yesterday, I showed them photos of Zinnia and her mother Garnett and explained that Zin would be trained as a therapy dog.

“But what about Fate,” all three shouted at once, “we don’t want to lose her.” Don’t worry I said, Fate will be here regularly, she is showing tremendous promise as a therapy dog, I won’t take her away.

I wasn’t sure that Fate would make it as a therapy dog, but she already has. I’m going to have two!


  1. What a beautiful picture of these three women. I love seeing the blanket of autumn ? leaves that so evenly covers the ground beneath them. In Southern California we only have a little autumn. There secret garden is so perfect.

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