23 September

Beautiful Lulu: Kisses On The Nose

by Jon Katz

For most of my life, the idea of beginning most days by kissing a donkey on the nose would have seemed absurd, even lunacy. Now, it’s just a part of my daily routine.

I love to kiss Lulu and Fanny on the nose, donkeys have the softest noses and our two love attention and are happy to be kissed on the nose, so long as I also scratch them on their itchy butts.

Which I do, bugs bite them there and they can’t scratch the itch.

Lulu wouldn’t come near me for a year or so after I sent her off to another farm during the winter of my crack-up when I sent all the animals away. Darryl, the farmer, was happy to bring them back to me.

I was very happy to get them back. Fanny forgave me right away, but Lulu is like most donkeys, she never forgets. Only in the past year have I been permitted to kiss her on the nose, it’s taken her about eight years to get past it.

Lulu is a great animal, she is our lead guard animal, she scans the horizon day and night for predators and sounds the alarm by snorting or snaring. She’s done a great job, we have never lost a sheep to a predator and there are quite a few out there. I highly recommend kissing a donkey on the nose for anyone who wants to deepen their spiritual life or stay grounded.


  1. Simon, Fanny and Lulu all have touched my heart and made it grow larger out of a deep love and appreciation for these animals. I take rides out to the country with bags of apples and give kisses and love to the Donks I encounter. It’a a world of fun! Thanks Jon for bringing me along on your donkey journey! Hugs!

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