17 September

Saving Our Fish Tank: A New Aesthetic

by Jon Katz

We had to scramble over the weekend to save our fish tank and restore it to health, it took the better part of two days. While we were at it, we talked about a re-design, a different aesthetic.

The first tank was crammed with plants, so many we didn’t realize the water was getting fouled. While we set about fixing things – fish and snails are all fine -we talked a lot about making the tank even more natural, making it simpler, easier to see into, a purer fish habitat.

We both settled on the idea of finding rocks out in the pasture, boiling them and having Maria create some stone sculptures, something she loves to do and is very good at.

We cleaned out most of the plants and bought some white gravel stones. We spent a few hours arranging and re-arranging the rocks and the few plants we decided to keep. We changed some of the water, but not more than 20 percent. Fish love settled tanks.

Snails love stones. We went for simplicity. The result is something special I think, simple natural and peaceful. The stone sculptures are retreats and safe spots for the fish and the snails, one or the other is always on them or moving through them.

Another example of a problem that turns out to be a solution. I think of it now as a Meditation Tank.

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