17 September

Please Support My Blog

by Jon Katz

I admit I find it easier to ask for support for the Mansion or the refugee children at Bishop Maginn High School than I do for myself. But it’s time to ask again for support for my blog and for the work I am doing with the Army Of Good.

I spent most of my time now working with the Mansion and Bishop Maginn, I am hoping for another book contract, but that’s a way off, one way or the other. The blog is the engine that drives almost everything I do know, and it, like my photography is free and expensive for me to maintain.

If you can support the blog and my work – I need to get paid for my work, my writing, the photos, etc…- I’d appreciate it. You can do it here, right on my blog, and contribute one time in any amount you wish or month – $5, $10 a month or $75 a year.

You can contribute with a major credit card or via Paypal, [email protected]. Or by check,  Jon Katz, Blog Support, P.O. Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816.

I love what I am doing, and am called to it, but it is time-consuming.

I spend a lot of time driving around now, looking for clothes and other items the Mansion residents and the refugees need and going to Albany to meet with the refugee children and their families.

There’s gas, and the blog maintenance, my photography, and of course the farm. All of these things are ever more expensive to maintain and use. And the work I am doing is taking more and more of my time, there is no other way to do it.

I’m paying more to feed the blog out to people for free, and as you know, the cost of everything seems to rise all the time.

The blog support is as safe as it can be. My Web design company has elaborate security, I have two security programs on my blog, and no financial information of any kind is stored on my blog or website.

You control your account and can cancel it at any time. I’m afraid I can’t do this without your help and support. Publishing has changed, there are no more big advances or royalty checks. They don’t even much talk to me these days. Times have changed, for me, for you.

We’re doing some wonderful work and I’d love to keep it going and build on it.

If you find the blog and my photos and my work useful or informative or entertaining, please consider helping to support it.

If you can’t, I understand completely, the blog will always be free. If you can support this work, I thank you and appreciate. You can help right here.

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