16 September

Beautiful Handwoven Lap Robes From New Jersey

by Jon Katz

Patricia Benard from New Jersey emailed me two weeks ago to ask if she could send me some lap robes that she made herself, I accepted gratefully, these could be precious to the Mansion residents as the winter approaches.

They arrived today, manna from heaven.  I’m not sure what I expected, but I was surprised at the beauty and craft of Patrician’s robes. She sent five of them, they all measure about 36″ x 42″, a size that can also be used in wheelchairs.

They are made of hypoallergenic acrylic yarn and are all machine washable.

“Thank you, as always,” she wrote, “for allowing me to help.” This is what people in the Army Of Good are like. They thank me for permitting them to work so hard to help others.

The thanks go to you, Patricia, this is so generous and thoughtful. I’m just carrying them over there. I’ll bring some to the Mansion tomorrow, I’ll save a couple until the weather really gets colder, I know someone will discover that they are cold.

I hope Patricia knows how much these will mean to the women and some men at the Mansion. I can picture them sitting on the porch with these beautiful robes, or sitting in their rooms reading or watching television.

You’re great to do this Patricia. It lifts my heart to see the residents warm, and in such a stylish way. I know none of them could afford something like this, they will be thrilled.

My clothing fund is getting low if you wish to help – I think I’m looking for about $300 dollars – please send your contribution to me via Paypal, [email protected] or by check, Jon Katz, Mansion Fund, P.O. Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816.

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