14 September

Set For the Weekend: The Secret Garden

by Jon Katz

I feel protective of the Secret Garden crew – Bart, Nancy, Georgianna. I brought Georgianna two packs of cigarettes, two huge muffins from Jean’s Place.

I found them sitting on the other side of the driveway, they moved the chairs because there is some work being done on the Mansion roof.

Nancy was just giddy, she had the biggest pack of cigarettes of them all.

It was cold and raining, I was glad to see them sitting in the chairs we bought and in the warm jackets I brought two weeks ago and surprised to see a lot of cigarettes on their table. I only brought two packs, mostly because I knew Georgianna would want some over the weekend, and I felt some sympathy for her.

I rarely buy cigarettes for anyone at the Mansion, there are more urgent uses for money, but I’m okay with helping her to settle in for the weekend.

They were out there yakking away with their coffee, Nancy was very happy. I didn’t ask where she got all those cigarettes, it was not my business.

Georgianna is old enough to make her own decisions about life, and I don’t wish to be a regular supplier of smokes, but once in a while makes sense to me. Bert wasn’t feeling well today, but it was sweet to see these two out in the cold, drinking their coffee, smoking their cigarettes, eating their huge muffins.

They said their weekend was off to a great start.

The Secret Garden live. And lives.

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